
Relax-and-Recover Automated Testing

View the Project on GitHub gdha/rear-automated-testing

Vagrant Boxes

Each Linux distribution you want to use for verifying Relax-and-Recover test cycle you first need to download the corresponding vagrant box. The Vagrantfile defines which vagrant box will be downloaded from HashiCorp.

If for some reason you want to use another vagrant box than the one define in the Vagrantfile you need to modify the line: =

A side note: use the root account to download the boxes as our project will require the root account anyhow.

Vagrant Box Add

To start the manual download (it is not mandatory, but strongly advised) go into the Linux distribution directory, e.g. centos7 and sudo su to become root.

To download the Centos/7 box do the following:

# vagrant box add
==> box: Loading metadata for box ''
This box can work with multiple providers! The providers that it
can work with are listed below. Please review the list and choose
the provider you will be working with.

1) hyperv
2) libvirt
3) virtualbox
4) vmware_desktop

Enter your choice: 3
==> box: Adding box 'centos/7' (v1801.02) for provider: virtualbox
    box: Downloading:

You can list the available box on your system with the command vagrant box list

Vagrant Box Update

It might be possible that during an provisioning or bringing up the boxes you will see a message that the Vagrant Box is out of date. You can bring the box up-to-date as following:

# vagrant box update 
==> server: Checking for updates to 'centos/7'
    server: Latest installed version: 1801.02
    server: Version constraints: 
    server: Provider: virtualbox
==> server: Box 'centos/7' (v1801.02) is running the latest version.

In above case the box was already up-to-date and no further action was required.

Vagrant Box List

To see which vagrant boxes are already present on your hosts system:

# vagrant box list
centos/7 (libvirt, 1702.01)
centos/7 (libvirt, 1710.01)
centos/7 (libvirt, 1801.02)

Vagrant Box Remove

If you no longer require the use of one of the Vagrant Boxes you can simply:


# vagrant box remove centos/7 --box-version 1702.01
Removing box 'centos/7' (v1702.01) with provider 'libvirt'...
Vagrant-libvirt plugin removed box only from you LOCAL ~/.vagrant/boxes directory
From libvirt storage pool you have to delete image manually(virsh, virt-manager or by any other tool)

As you can see from above output do not forget to clean up the client and server box in your preferred virtual manager tool (virt-manager or virtualbox).